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Joined Jul 4, 2020

The main thrust of this channel, going forward with the assertion that all things in life are the result of cause and effect, is to promote changes in OUR behavior that I believe are essential for final victory.  If we do not adopt these changes in our behavior we are finished.

Like it or not European culture is Christian, the )))ew is not undermining hinduism, buddism etc, they attack Christianity, most particularly traditional Catholicism.  Religion is the framework of culture and community.  Did you know that in the 19th century when the jew Benjamin Disraeli was prime minister of England the country was sane enough that there was a law prohibiting jews from being out at night?  Since giving up your religion wholesale in the 60's immigration policies have drastically changed your demographics and now they are openly proposing sex changes in schools for 5 year olds!  Cohensidence ?

Suppose (((somebody))) wanted to genocide your people and you were fighting against that.  But for some strange reason you felt that there were more important things to do then to have children and massively promote creating families among your own people, but you made sure everybody was aware that the )))ew wanted you exterminated, yet you and your people didn't have families so in a few decades you would mostly be dead and your people and culture would be expunged forever from the earth.  Would your genocide be less complete because the people died off knowing about the plot to make them no longer exist?  It's one thing if somebody wants you dead, but if you facilitate your own extermination you deserve it.  Without children our genocide is complete.  If there is something more important, please let me know.

3.  HEALTH.  
Let's face it, a higher than acceptable percentage of us are fat out of shape and unhealthy.  Fad diets, "new studies", the food "pyramid" and we keep getting worse.  Eat what your forebears ate, lots and lots of saturated animal fats.  Human hormones as well as your brain are made from cholesterol.  Since they told us fat was bad for us and took it out of the food, we've gotten fatter, sicker, and have more mental issues such as dementia ever since.  Sugar is poison, limit your intake.  Treat sugar the way they tell you to treat cholesterol.  Learn about the healing properties of herbs and make exercise a priority, not an elective.  You won't be able to fight back if you're sick.  Just look at how the whole planet rolled over for these lock downs.  

I believe if we do not adopt the 3 tenets above, stick a fork in us we're done.