John316 followers 0 Your Subscription John316 - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1541 days ago09:52 John316 has liked a video BANNED FROM YOUTUBE: Louis Farrakhan DESTROYS 'Satanic Jews... Louis Farrakhan tried to explain to Black People modern day slavery. Turns out Jews ran the African Slave Trade. They sold a bunch of black slaves in markets like the Cohen & Moses Auction house. BANNED FROM YOUTUBE on 5/14/2019: ***************************************************************** The... 1547 days ago11:03 John316 has liked a video On the Accusation that Hitler Snubbed Jesse Owens Patreon: Telegram: 1553 days ago04:39 John316 has liked a video KING OF VACCINES COMES CLEAN! - PLOTKIN ON VACCINES Del Bigtree Hig... None 1554 days ago13:55 John316 has liked a video 1556 days ago18:42 John316 has liked a video The Jewish Bolshevik Takeover of the west None 1556 days ago18:42 John316 has liked a video MONTY PYTHON'S THE LIFE OF BRIAN ( BIG NOSE ) 1556 days ago18:41 John316 has liked a video COMMUNIST LEADER NELSON MANDELA SAYS JEWS KEY COLLABORATORS IN OVER... SHARE THE INTERNAL ENEMY OF AMERICA AND THE WORLD THE CREATORS OF COMMUNISM HAVE GLOBAL CONTROL THE CORONAVIRUS IS A SMOKESCREEN FOR THE NEW WORLD ORDER WAKE UP THIS GUY HAS GOT IT SPOT ON BOMBSHELL BOSTON BOMBINGS FALSE FLAG ALL CRISIS ACTORS YOU CAN ACTUA... 1556 days ago18:41 John316 has liked a video Yes, Jews are (Ultimately) Responsible (for EVERYTHING) Blame starts at the top. With those who have the power and the intent. Focusing on anyone else is a pointless distraction. 1556 days ago18:38 John316 has liked a video 9/11 is the Litmus Test None