paramountWhite followers 0 Your Subscription paramountWhite - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 66 days ago23:31 paramountWhite has disliked a video CARDI B « Bitch fuckin you know bitch shut up bitch got 3 kids you ... Source Behold the exceptional IQ of Kamala Harris supporters.... Hip-hop singer Cardi B's teleprompter broke down while she was speaking in support of Kamala Harris, leaving her confused for over a minut… 66 days ago23:14 paramountWhite has liked a video "Don't Use Their Language" Speech by Handsome Truth 66 days ago23:05 paramountWhite has liked a video Nigger pedophile show to meet 14yo get ass beat instead 67 days ago22:14 paramountWhite has liked a video Mario return 1/14/25 67 days ago22:03 paramountWhite has liked a video Tulsi Gabbard Pam Bondi Are Filthy Niddah Whores According To Jewis... Michael Decon and The Maverick Artist Victor Hugo discuss how Tulsi Gabbard and Pam Bondi Are Filthy Niddah Whores According To Jewish Talmud. NOTE: I've actually received emails from subscribers and patrons who used to support this podcast who were… 112 days ago00:33 paramountWhite has liked a video Monika Schaefer Presents - Tribute to Ursula Haverbeck, Dec 5, 2024 Letzte Aufzeichnung von Ursula Haverbeck vor ihrem Tod (Last record of Ursula Haverbeck before her death). (English subtitles) 112 days ago00:21 paramountWhite has liked a video Ken O'Keefe Discusses 9-11, Dec 4, 2024 Ken seems to nail it 112 days ago00:10 paramountWhite has disliked a video The Real Reason You're Not a Flat Earther There is one key characteristic, one personality trait that is particularly noticeable in flat earthers that is rarely seen in globe defenders. The more you pay attention to people on both sides of the issue, the more blatantly clear it becomes with time. This most obvious difference between those who accept and reject the flat earth is... Ge... 160 days ago03:33 paramountWhite has liked a video RWDS 10/3/24 2024-10-03 22-59-01