R_Wagner followers 0 Your Subscription R_Wagner - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 885 days ago08:10 R_Wagner has liked a video What's the Balfour Declaration? And how did it mess up the reg... Who decided to give Palestine to the Jews? It may all be traced back to this letter, the Balfour Declaration. Here's what it's all about, 100 years on. 926 days ago12:57 R_Wagner has liked a video Fmr. President Nixon: "Most Jews Are Disloyal... You Can'... Link to original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0oaaopvQBbs Was Nixon controlled? All thoughts welcome. #Jews #Israel #POTUS *Help Us To Dig Through Nauseating Videos By Donating a Monster* https://www.paypal.me/zionistreport *SUBSCRIBE TO OUR BITCHUTE* https://www.bitchute.com/channel/Z8w9bQGzcxGO/ TWITTER - WE ARE BANNED FACEBOOK - WE ... 971 days ago02:12 R_Wagner has disliked a video 992 days ago10:56 R_Wagner has liked a video WHO'S REALLY YOUR MASTER!?! (Tommy Sotomayor), Feb 13, 2022 Some blacks are JEW WISE. Tommy Sotamayor: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/bUx4jqBLcMPV/ *** JEWS telling you how bad WHITES are. Whites don't have as much power as jews. *** If you might get CLOSE to what what MIGHT be offensive to jews, you fear your job and you must be re-educated, reprogrammed so you won't offend them again... 1002 days ago09:02 R_Wagner has liked a video White Power by George Lincoln Rockwell (chapter one) FULL AUDIOBOOK Chapter one of White Power called Death Rattle by George Lincoln Rockwell 1968. Read by PaddockSperg of GoyTalk and Bitchute channel. http://goytalk.com/ https://www.bitchute.com/channel/0I3YRNAf9hQJ/ 1002 days ago08:59 R_Wagner has liked a video White Power by George Lincoln Rockwell chapter 2 AUDIOBOOK Chapter 2 of White Power by George Lincoln Rockwell called Spiritual Syphilis. Read by PaddockSperg of GoyTalk.com and Bitchute channel. http://goytalk.com/ https://www.bitchute.com/channel/0I3YRNAf9hQJ/ 1035 days ago01:40 R_Wagner has liked a video Patriot Front: Feds Exposed Dreameskimo.com T.me/Dream_eskimo & T.me/Dream_eskimochat 1042 days ago03:55 R_Wagner has liked a video The Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion (Full Audiobook) The Jewish Peril, in which The Protocols were first introduced to the masses, was first published extensively by Professor Sergei Alexandrovich Nilus in Russia in 1905. Excerpts from the book had been seen in Russian newspapers as early as 1903 and Nilus had some of it published as early as in 1901, in a book entitled, The Great Within The Sm... 1077 days ago14:28 R_Wagner has liked a video Based Poland. Be more like Poland! Based Poland 1080 days ago04:39 R_Wagner has liked a video SLANDEROUS JOURNALIST âœ¡ï¸ FROM PRESS DEMOCRAT, PHIL BARBER, SHOW...