Adult White Female
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Joined Oct 10, 2022
Joined Oct 10, 2022
If you can't define a woman it's because you have no balls - Adult White Female When we are taught filth it leads to our own destruction. Consider this; at a very young age we are taught through media, school, and even the church, that Noah took the animals two-by-two but we are never taught of the clean animals, which are by seven. So much is like this, today - the teaching of the dirty and of the unclean. They want our children as polluted and as sick as them. Protect the children. They are more precious than anything on this earth. Oldest purest: https://gospelpedlar.com/articles/Bible/Septuagint_(lxx)_brenton.pdf See it and Lie to my face about race: https://mass-shootings.info/ Research before you speak: https://bdmhistory.com/ https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/bund-deutscher-m-auml-del-the-league-of-german-girls https://mk.christogenea.org/system/files/resources/Mein_Kampf_English.pdf https://issuu.com/picarsky/docs/the-world-s-most-secret-science https://www.bitchute.com/video/Hdpgr62gsSSy/ It takes more than make-up, a dress and surgery to be a woman. It takes a small miracle to be a mom.