The Duke of Volk followers 4 Your Subscription The Duke of Volk - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 665 days ago07:57 Duke_of_Volk has commented on The Poisonous Mushroom by Ernst Hiemer (Der Gif... Are you able to send me the Mp3 file for this? 665 days ago05:08 Duke_of_Volk has liked a video Mein Kraft 2 Another session of Mein Kraft. In today's episode we meet some sheboons, a based Romanian, a sad Dane, and experience some classic chimpouts. 675 days ago02:10 Duke_of_Volk has uploaded a video Mein Kraft 2 Another session of Mein Kraft. In today's episode we meet some sheboons, a based Romanian, a sad Dane, and experience some classic chimpouts. 685 days ago05:06 Duke_of_Volk has commented on 09.05.2023 - Jew banner excellent work 685 days ago05:06 Duke_of_Volk has liked a video 09.05.2023 - Jew banner Two elderly women crashed into each other creating a traffic jam right next to me and the banner. Happy times! 709 days ago06:08 Duke_of_Volk has uploaded a video Mein Kraft 1 Mein Kraft and Omegle