Natephayl followers 0 Your Subscription Natephayl - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 812 days ago22:50 Natephayl has liked a stream Jew Naming IRL … Share Stream… donate to hate Donate 1170 days ago19:26 Natephayl has favorited a video PWR - No White Guilt Trying To Weasel Out Of The JQ Like A Total Pu... PWR 29/9/21 - Co-host "NoWhiteGuilt" trying to weasel out of the JQ like a total pussy. Hey Jason, white people wouldn't have any guilt if not for JEWISH LIES about slavery, colonialism and the "holocaust" you faggot! I hope he loses supporters and followers over this. 1170 days ago19:23 Natephayl has favorited a video Anti White Agenda (43 Commercials Showing The White Man As Weak Morons Of course, it's all in the name of diversity which = White genocide 1170 days ago19:23 Natephayl has liked a video Anti White Agenda (43 Commercials Showing The White Man As Weak Morons Of course, it's all in the name of diversity which = White genocide