cwbuddy followers 3 Your Subscription cwbuddy - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 88 days ago18:43 cwbuddy has favorited a video Feminism is a Scam, Dec 21, 2024 It's all Jew run - compliments of the cadre of jews THE FRANKFURT SCHOOL - escaping German laws concerning 'such' jews - positioned at Columbia University and beginning their destabilizing of the U.S. through the Universities. 1. After Hitler came to power in Germany, many of the &... 88 days ago18:43 cwbuddy has liked a video Feminism is a Scam, Dec 21, 2024 It's all Jew run - compliments of the cadre of jews THE FRANKFURT SCHOOL - escaping German laws concerning 'such' jews - positioned at Columbia University and beginning their destabilizing of the U.S. through the Universities. 1. After Hitler came to power in Germany, many of the &... 88 days ago18:38 cwbuddy has favorited a video Noahide Laws - "Off With Your Head," Dec 26, 2024 Only if you are a Christian, if you worship or even speak the name of JESUS CHRIST,innate%20ability%20to%20access%20divinity. The seven Noahide laws are: Do not worship idols Do not curse God Do not commit murder Do not commit adultery or sexual immo... 88 days ago18:38 cwbuddy has liked a video Noahide Laws - "Off With Your Head," Dec 26, 2024 Only if you are a Christian, if you worship or even speak the name of JESUS CHRIST,innate%20ability%20to%20access%20divinity. The seven Noahide laws are: Do not worship idols Do not curse God Do not commit murder Do not commit adultery or sexual immo... 105 days ago13:30 cwbuddy has liked a video Holocausts none of us were taught in school Holodomor (“death by hunger” in Ukrainian) refers to the starvation of at least four million Ukrainians in 1932–33 as a result of Soviet policies. The Holodomor can be seen as the culmination of an assault by the Communist Party and Soviet state on the Ukrainian peasantry, who resisted Soviet policies. This assault occurred in the context of a c... 106 days ago01:53 cwbuddy has liked a video Flat Earth: Local Dome, Local Sun, Two Suns & Double Sunsets, R... 106 days ago22:11 cwbuddy has liked a video RETIRED PHARMA R&D EXECUTIVE SASHA LATYPOVA DESCRIBES ☤ HOW VAC... ??"All chronic diseases today, especially in people under, let's say, 50, are because of vaccines. It's not because of what you eat...We have to stay focused on the shots because that's how they poison us and our children." ?? (1/5) Retired pharm… 106 days ago22:11 cwbuddy has favorited a video RETIRED PHARMA R&D EXECUTIVE SASHA LATYPOVA DESCRIBES ☤ HOW VAC... ??"All chronic diseases today, especially in people under, let's say, 50, are because of vaccines. It's not because of what you eat...We have to stay focused on the shots because that's how they poison us and our children." ?? (1/5) Retired pharm…