Vippen87 followers 3 Your Subscription Vippen87 - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 110 days ago19:52 Vippen87 has uploaded a video A Survivors Ramblings #5 149 days ago21:08 Vippen87 has uploaded a video Straight Facts #1 This channel will mostly be me opening up about my childhood trauma and pedophilia in general in our society. The trauma happened when i was nine years old. I was sexually abused and raped. This has made the rest of my childhood a mess. I already had problems reading and writing, so this Did not help the situation. I have lived with the conseque... 159 days ago03:10 Vippen87 has uploaded a video A Survivors Ramblings #4 173 days ago18:10 Vippen87 has uploaded a video A Survivors Ramblings #3 This channel will mostly be me opening up about my childhood trauma and pedophilia in general in our society. I have two videotypes. The one i call Survivor Ramblings will be me basicilly talking about my childhood trauma and maybe answering questions if people are curious and want to know more. It will be sort of like a diary for me, but open f... 180 days ago22:03 Vippen87 has uploaded a video A Survivors Ramblings #2 This videoseries called A survivors Ramblings is going to be me just talking about my trauma as a child. I was sexually abused when i was nine years old, and still lives with the consequences to this day. This will be like my diary. A place where i can vent my feelings and hopefully feel better talking to you guys. Please follow. I really apprec...