ADOLF_SNIPER followers 1 Your Subscription ADOLF_SNIPER - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 868 days ago10:19 ADOLF_SNIPER has liked a video 303rd GOYIMTV.TV LIVESTREAM: HT on Omegle !!! 869 days ago23:01 ADOLF_SNIPER has liked a video The Undiscovered Self, by Carl Jung (audiobook) Jung discusses his concerns for the world in regard to communism, nuclear weapons, and the fragile state of democracy. Most troubling to Jung are the ever-increasing proclivity to mass-mindedness, and the eradication of the individual by the "State". Written decades ago, this brilliant work has more impact than ever in today's... 869 days ago23:00 ADOLF_SNIPER has liked music David Garrett, Io ti penso amore, ( testo in italiano) David Garrett, Io ti penso amore, ( testo in italiano) 869 days ago22:49 ADOLF_SNIPER has liked a video THE last Great White Man PT1 Part 1 of The Last Great White Man in the "Last Great White Man" series . Within 24 hrs this vid was banned by YT in every one of the following Nations: Austria, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Germany, France, French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Israel, Italy, Martinique, New Caledonia, French Polynesia, Poland, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Reun... 869 days ago22:45 ADOLF_SNIPER has liked a video Order ab chao Freemasonry (judaism for the goy) and its goals. 869 days ago22:41 ADOLF_SNIPER has liked a video IMPORTANT - GoyimTV Update 2020-05-17 20-17-36