FINKELSTEINS PLAN followers 30 Your Subscription FINKELSTEINS PLAN - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1389 days ago01:58 FINKELSTEINSPLAN has liked a video BITCHUTE HAS CONVERTED TO JUDAISM 1430 days ago12:55 FINKELSTEINSPLAN has liked a video FOUND ON MASKS & SWABS: Moving Black Strands/ Parasites? What T... I just saw this on BLUE mask as well. DO NOT WEAR ANY FACTORY MASK This is pure evil. This is Genocide Source: Tim Truth. If you have information you can email Tim at [email protected] 1430 days ago12:50 FINKELSTEINSPLAN has liked a video 1430 days ago12:40 FINKELSTEINSPLAN has liked a video South Africa: Blacks drown White boy in boiling water Its not just Boers who face incredible brutality. Whites in South Africa, regardless of their background are the targets of savagery. Here we see how blacks came and killed a Portuguese family. (Most of the Portuguese in South Africa are originally from their colonies of Angola and Mozambique. In this news story we see the hideous cruelty meted ... 1430 days ago12:28 FINKELSTEINSPLAN has liked a video Tattoo literally boiling off after taking THE SHOT Mirror: Tattoo literally boiling off after taking THE SHOT 1430 days ago12:26 FINKELSTEINSPLAN has liked a video Mask Zombies trolled by a 5 year old. Having Some Fun In The JWO Easy Believism 1430 days ago12:21 FINKELSTEINSPLAN has liked a video Gestapo Return To Calgary Church. STAND YOUR GROUND! FIGHT THE JWO! These pieces of filth will not go quietly into the night, we must remain vigilant. So They came back and like all the other times they where told to GET OUT! Alberta Canada 1430 days ago12:18 FINKELSTEINSPLAN has liked a video Trumpersteinenbergerwitzenbaumoblatt says he deserves a Trumpersteinenbergerwitzenbaumoblatt says he deserves a