mfirebrand1 followers 0 Your Subscription mfirebrand1 - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1336 days ago14:22 mfirebrand1 has liked a video The EMPEROR Has "NO CORONA" tangentopolis feat. ThoughtCrime7 ================ (world orders review) ================ The EMPEROR Has "NO CORONA" (ThoughtCrime7) [LINK] [SHARE] ================ ThoughtCrime7 @ (this file mirror) 1336 days ago14:20 mfirebrand1 has favorited a video Proof that chemical is turning people gay - lecture: From Silent Sp... Dr. Tyrone Hayes from UC Berkeley speaks on the herbicide, atrazine and it's negative impact on public health Link to actual study: Atrazine induces complete feminization and chemicalcastration in male African clawed frogs(Xenopus laevis): More: 1336 days ago14:20 mfirebrand1 has favorited a video Silencing the Scientist: Tyrone Hayes on Being Targeted By Herbicid... The scientist says, "The frogs show homosexual behavior." Link to actual study: Atrazine induces complete feminization and chemicalcastration in male African clawed frogs(Xenopus laevis): More: 1336 days ago05:04 mfirebrand1 has liked a video Covid vaccination magnetic field tested with stud finder and compass 1336 days ago04:59 mfirebrand1 has favorited a video Graphene Reacting To EM Field From A Cell Phone - This Is In The Co... The so-called "Covid-Vaccine" was found to be 99% Graphene Oxide, which is known to be able to pass through the blood/brain barrier. These nanobots very well may be a new life form, and now they're swimming around inside the heads of the idiots that volunteered to get the Covid-Kill-Shot... What could possibly go wrong? Source: So... 1336 days ago04:22 mfirebrand1 has favorited a video The Graphene 666 Mind Control System by Darpa & Dick Cheney Thank You Everyone! & Dr Mike Yeadon, PhD Latest Warning Sub to my channel here - Sub to my channel here - Sub to my channel here - Patreon supporters get a daily video from me with real news & rese...