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  • AbsurdusMaximus has liked a video

    GTV 745 resync
    GTV 745 resync
    GTV 745 resync
  • AbsurdusMaximus has liked a video

    GTV 744th
    GTV 744th
    GTV 744th
  • AbsurdusMaximus has commented on GTV 744th

    @Lysander: The work of Kohne on this subject, White Well-Being, and the Pro White movement that simply pushes back against the anti-White, and doesn't shoot itself in the foot needlessly alienating itself from everyone (many mixed and non-Whites have no tolerance for antiWhitism), is the future.
  • AbsurdusMaximus has liked a video

    Learnin' The Truth (Blue Oyster Cult - Burnin' For You)
    Learnin' The Truth (Blue Oyster Cult - Burnin' For You)
    24/7 LoFi beats for you to chill out/study/gas kikes to ?????⛽⚡
  • AbsurdusMaximus has liked a video

    Bootin The Heebs Out (Men At Work: Who Can It Be Now)
    Bootin The Heebs Out (Men At Work: Who Can It Be Now)
    Who can it be knocking at my door? Probably just a young scholar trying to pick up his siblings at 10 o'clock at night.
    Big thanks to Kill Your TV for the video, and shout out to Flood, the deep fake guru. o
  • AbsurdusMaximus has liked a video

    I Ain't No Shabbat (Hall & Oates - I Can't Go For That)
  • AbsurdusMaximus has commented on Psyops behind the "black pilled" folk...

    I gather that she is talking rather obliquely about anyone whose views do not fit her merry vision of the world.  Some people simply see the world as it is, and that may seem "black pilled" to her, but that doesn't change the situation.  It has nothing to do with morale.  If it has to do with morale, that's an attitude of emotion about the world, not just a view that seeks to understand it as it is.  This isn't some Aesop's fable sort of business.  This is a difficult matter for mature grown up male brains to be doing.
  • AbsurdusMaximus has commented on (September 11th, 2024) Hong Kong Street Fight

    Pretty good little fight.
  • AbsurdusMaximus has commented on Street Level Jews Turn Tribal When Holocaust Na...

    The essence of Jewish religion is, no matter what level of it you look at, no matter what period of its history (real or supposed), no matter what aspect of its ideas or explanations or expression, the following formula:  Hearsay, credulity, obedience.   You must hear, heed, and obey.  It's not complicated.   I guarantee that no matter what part of this religion you examine, you will find that it is based on authoritative claims (made by some voice, whether real or imagined, whether the speaker or his supposed source), a demand to be heeded and believed, and then a demand to be obeyed, often with a threat of force or promise of reward or both (which feeds back into the belief and hearsay elements).  Not by any means are all religions like this.