DH420 followers 1 Your Subscription DH420 - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1096 days ago15:31 DH420 has disliked a video The Satanisation of Judaism: The Left-Hand Path An Explanation of Ashkenazi to Semitic Jews and their relation to the Tora and Talmud. 1096 days ago15:24 DH420 has liked a video "I don't see a big jewish influence." 1101 days ago08:23 DH420 has liked a video Teachers Of Marxism (Documentary) 1178 days ago07:57 DH420 has liked a video Connection between Palestine and Germany from an Arab perspective As long as we fight each other Israel wins. They have always wanted and still want Muslims and Christians to fight each other more than anything else. God bless! 1179 days ago13:03 DH420 has liked a video THIS ISNT "ENTERTAINMENT" ITS YOUR FINAL WARNING. P.S. BA... RIGHT BEFORE YOU CRASH THE ECONOMY, CLOSE THE BANKS AND RIGHT BEFORE A HOLIDAY, BE READY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! https://nypressnews.com/news/usa/atlanta/wells-fargo-bank-of-america-and-other-banks-temporarily-close-hundreds-of-branches-l-a-biz/ 1187 days ago14:23 DH420 has liked a video POLICE CALL FACT SHEET - A CRIME Leaflet listing basic observable facts creates an investigation and manhunt to uncover the person who dared write the truth. 1214 days ago14:14 DH420 has liked a video Jews are the enemy of mankind And the delight at the idea of our slaughter. 1220 days ago14:45 DH420 has disliked a video Jews Control The Boston Broadside, Nov 20, 2021 Jim and Joe show how the jews control a local newspaper, The BOSTON BROADSIDE 1227 days ago09:20 DH420 has disliked a video The Normalization of Pedophilia As children are allowed to make sexually based decisions at younger and younger ages, we may be paving the way for widespread acceptance of pedophilia as a sexual orientation. 1241 days ago15:57 DH420 has liked a video Hitler vs Churchill, M.S. King, Oct 24, 2021 Who was the real MADMAN? https://www.realhistorychan.com/hitler-debates-churchill.html Quotes from both Hitler and Churchill regarding their relationship and the onset of WW2.