The Conspiracy Shed Remember We Sometimes Have To Visit The Past To Understand The Present And Get A Glimpse Into The Future. - Edward Cassidy followers 233 Your Subscription The Conspiracy Shed Remember We Sometimes Have To Visit The Past To Understand The Present And Get A Glimpse Into The Future. - Edward Cassidy - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 970 days ago06:23 TCS1949 has liked a video The New World Order, 2005 Media and Press Releases #1, Vaccinations... Apparently, it's been known for a long while the POWERS-THAT-BE are working to destroy WE THE PEOPLE by illnesses & death! How else can you explain the evidence? God help us all, I pray! It seems I was working to make this video years ago BUT got sidetracked and did not make the video. I have been reviewing old files on the old hard dri... 983 days ago11:01 TCS1949 has liked a video Dutch govt fakes emission calculations to destroy farmers | Wouter ... Link: Related: 1023 days ago06:30 TCS1949 has uploaded a video 9/11/2001 No Planes Awesome By Hibbeler Productions A great short, to the point documentary Exposing High Treason and Mass Murder by Israel And American politician traitors, aided and abetted by all Mainstream Media on Sept. 11/2001 What the real perpetrators of 9/11 did not count on was the record button on VHS players collecting the raw footage before the fake planes dissolved into the buildin... 1034 days ago07:58 TCS1949 has liked a video FBI SAYS PROUD BOYS ARE OUR BIGGEST THREAT - PROBLEM IS THEY WORK F... FBI Director, Christopher Wray is a criminal. His role is the operation and cover up of Left & Right wing violence perpetrated by groups under the covert direction of the FBI, Israeli intelligence and the private subcontractors that are contracted to perpetrate this violence. 1074 days ago01:36 TCS1949 has liked a video E Micheal Jones Interview Minus Alex Jones - 11/30/2019 - InfoWars Who runs the A*D*L and why do they control America ? 1092 days ago10:35 TCS1949 has liked a video KEN O'KEEFE & CHRIS BOLLYN 9/11, USS LIBERTY, ZIONISM, ROT... Ken O'keefe and Christopher Bollyn two heavyweight truthers discuss in length who did 9/11, USS Liberty, Zionism and how America has been infiltrated, the treason committed by the Bush administration and the fake War on terror. Also featured in this discussion is USS Liberty survivor Ernest Gallo. 1095 days ago07:07 TCS1949 has liked a video TUCKER CARLSON EXPOSED (WAKE UP FOXTARDS) 1096 days ago08:25 TCS1949 has liked a video TOMMY SOTOMAYOR EXPOSES JEWISH SUPREMACY 1096 days ago03:18 TCS1949 has uploaded a video 9/11 September Clues Exposing false flag high treason and mass murd... 9/11 September Clues Exposing false flag high treason and mass murder many traitors involved 1100 days ago08:30 TCS1949 has uploaded a video The Power Brokers You Never Elected by Jonas Nilsson Palaestra Media: Support Honest Independent Media: EarthNewspaper Daily Newsletter: 35 Articles And Videos Published Daily: 24/7 News March: 24/7 News Archive: https://E...