MarcM followers 1 Your Subscription MarcM - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1740 days ago12:25 MarcM has liked a video Flood Popup - Editation Popup Live of some editing work n sheeeiiitt... 1756 days ago08:38 MarcM has liked a video HANDSOME TRUTH INTERVIEWS BLACK LIVES MATTERS MEMBER 1757 days ago21:27 MarcM has uploaded a video His Name Was Kelly Thomas Anyone ever heard of Kelly Thomas "I Can't Breathe"? Where were the white riots and protests? Many of the cops in the USA are trained by ex-IDF soldiers in ISRAEL. This police violence doesn't just affect minorities. It is a problem that has originated out of ISRAEL! Wake up people! Educate all of our people about the truth! ... 1761 days ago03:08 MarcM has liked a picture IMG_20200529_145239 IMG_20200529_145239 1761 days ago01:01 MarcM has liked a picture Jewish Media vs America Jewish Media vs America 1761 days ago12:24 MarcM has liked a video Paid provocateur/ANTIFA runs when confronted Smashes autozone windows with hammer, then leaves when confronted. 1761 days ago11:59 MarcM has liked a video Paid actors/provocateurs fueling the divide Order out of chaos 1761 days ago11:52 MarcM has liked a video Minneapolis,MN: National guard troops deployed Live here Martial law- hegelian dialecric 1762 days ago10:14 MarcM has liked a video LUCIFERS FALSE LIGHT: The Antichrist Qanon Deception Revealed Special thanks to On Point Preparedness. Sub here: #qanon #darktolight 1762 days ago09:56 MarcM has liked a video Get Ready For Planet Rothschild