Bilbo Swaggins followers 3 Your Subscription Bilbo Swaggins - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1243 days ago21:03 Bilboswaggins has liked a stream Hammer Time !!! Donate to hate 1365 days ago01:47 Bilboswaggins has liked a video Re-upload of Video in which Alfred Schaefer and I vow to liberate o... The introductory music is the German student song "Thoughts Are Free" (Die Gedanken Sind Frei). Alfred confided in me that his sister, Monika, used to sing this song regularly, as it was one of her favorite songs. Alfred is now in prison, like his sister, and the others who have dared to question the Holocaust (TM). I will be uploading... 1386 days ago14:58 Bilboswaggins has uploaded a video Ancient History, Esoteric Mythology, Occult Mysticism - ROBERT SEPEHR Part Two of another compilation (3+ hours) of episodes not uploaded yet to this channel: Hybrids and Rh Negative blood, High Level Occult Secrets and Esoteric Symbolism, Secret History of the Temple Society, Occult Order of Oculists, God of Wisdom Thief of Fire, Ancient Persian Occult Mysticism Magic and Astrology, Iran Land of the Ancient Aryan... 1409 days ago07:21 Bilboswaggins has disliked a video Jews VS The Synagogue of Satan 1417 days ago07:38 Bilboswaggins has liked a video ***NEW RAP SONG*** "THE DAY OF THE TROPE" by Handsome Truth 1417 days ago07:38 Bilboswaggins has liked a video "NAME THE JEW" by Handsome Truth & Sway 1433 days ago04:06 Bilboswaggins has uploaded a video Wuhan Market Tour This is not my video, just a re upload for informative purposes. It's no wonder the communist Chinese side with the Jews. Covid isn't real but this Black Market is. 1446 days ago21:52 Bilboswaggins has liked a video HANDSOME TRUTH VS. JEWISH SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIOR BUY SOME JEW NAMING T-SHIRTS @ All Proceeds go to IRL ACTIVISM 1447 days ago06:07 Bilboswaggins has liked a video Patrick Little & Handsome Truth talk JEWS over a Meal Handsome Truth: I'm Super Blessed to have some of this mans time. God Bless you Patrick!! Thanks for inspiring me to be FEARLESS.