bananas19 followers 7 Your Subscription bananas19 - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1342 days ago02:38 bananas19 has uploaded a video nsw govt all hospital patients va xx ed WOW... nsw govt 'all hospital patients v*x*x ed' !! 1564 days ago04:42 bananas19 has liked a video THE MOST ANTISEMITIC VIDEO EVER! The Truth About Jews #JEWS 1564 days ago04:38 bananas19 has uploaded a video Do Trials Use a Genuine Placebo? If you want to get first notice of video and book releases then come along for the ride here... This is my newest effort to combat the tsunami of [email protected]! The Cracks in Consensus book is about to be released so if you want to buy at it's current price then get in now because I will be raising the... 1564 days ago04:32 bananas19 has uploaded a video TEST4 1569 days ago14:12 bananas19 has liked a video Why These Doctors Say No To Co*vid19(84) Vaccines This is my newest effort to combat the tsunami of [email protected]! The Cracks in Consensus book is only a few days away from release so if you want to buy at it's current price then get in now because I will be raising the price after release."Pixie+Seymour" If you want to get first notice of v... 1569 days ago11:28 bananas19 has uploaded a video Why These Doctors Say No To Co*vid19(84) Vaccines This is my newest effort to combat the tsunami of [email protected]! The Cracks in Consensus book is only a few days away from release so if you want to buy at it's current price then get in now because I will be raising the price after release."Pixie+Seymour" If you want to get first notice of v... 1570 days ago11:31 bananas19 has liked a picture Jewish Blotting Paper Jewish Blotting Paper 1570 days ago00:24 bananas19 has liked a video 43 Contaminated Vaccines 43 Contaminated Vaccines is a little explainer video to help us all comprehend what is a truly shocking study out of Italy in 2016. May law-makers across the world read and understand this research paper! The information in the video is drawn from the research study and I've included the link below. Please feel free to share to thos... 1574 days ago23:00 bananas19 has uploaded a video Thinking is Easy Thinking is Easy is a little explainer video to help put things in perspective. If you want to be kept in the loop of getting first notice of when Pixie next publishes then hit her up over here: