James followers 50 Your Subscription James - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 442 days ago21:29 James has uploaded a video Performing Metzitzah B'peh This is in ultra orthodox Jewish circumcisions. After the infant is circumcised, the rabbi will suck the blood from the wound. There was a case a few years back of a rabbi who was doing this procedure and had oral herpes. He wound up spreading it … 496 days ago22:24 James has uploaded a video Ben Shapiro Defends Circumcision How anybody can let a newborn get harmed like this, beats me. Even hygiene wise. You try hard to keep any contaminants away from a baby to avoid infection, to add a wound to that situation seems crazy. 527 days ago05:36 James has uploaded a video Roger Howard on Circumcision American men & women protest circumcision across the USA. 530 days ago22:22 James has uploaded a video Let's End Circumcision CIRCUMCISION: THE HIDDEN TRAUMA explores the psychological damage of this cruel practice. 561 days ago22:00 James has uploaded a video Megyn Kelly vs Lloyd Schofield Above the cosmetic part, it apparently is also meant to diminish male sensuality, which is a horrible thing for parents to do to their own children. 561 days ago21:35 James has uploaded a video Jon Delano on Circumcision What a revelation. 575 days ago21:20 James has uploaded a video Do We Circumcise Our Boys? So apparently circumcision is painful for adults.....but people don't think it's painful for a baby? They are just more comfortable doing it to a baby because the neonate "won't remember" the pain. 575 days ago20:25 James has uploaded a video Virginia Maryland and Washington DC Bloodstained Men Fall Tour Sche... We have to be as relentless as the doctors are. 582 days ago22:22 James has uploaded a video How Siobhan Dunnavant Performs Circumcisions How anyone can think that cutting the genitals of non-consenting children and infants of either sex is in any way a good idea absolutely staggers me. 582 days ago21:37 James has uploaded a video Weston Suggs on Circumcision ❝In Europe, foreskin good. In America, foreskin bad. Why.. why.. why?...❞