Silver followers 0 Your Subscription Silver - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1747 days ago00:31 Silver has liked a video HONEST RABBI ***HIGHLIGHT REEL*** None 1756 days ago06:07 Silver has liked a video NogPunk 2020 Original Description: The jewish mass media wants you to see the riots as “protests†for “racial justice,†but what we are seeing is really an anti-White insurgency. Learn More About The Jews Visit "Fuck The Jews" Website. They Get Kicked Out Video (Must See) 1756 days ago05:47 Silver has liked a video 1756 days ago05:47 Silver has liked a video 1760 days ago01:14 Silver has liked a video HANDSOME TRUTH INTERVIEWS BLACK LIVES MATTERS MEMBER 1760 days ago22:58 Silver has liked a video Curious Coroner: G3org3 Floyd 1764 days ago12:52 Silver has liked a video 1766 days ago21:55 Silver has liked a video 1767 days ago12:38 Silver has liked a video Israel did 9/11 Wise old man Zan Overall gives credence to his moniker as he chastises the Islamic community for failing to capitalise on its greatest asset. Currently Muslims the world over are blamed for 9/11 yet, as Zan Overall points out, its leaders do nothing to quell this accusation. It is time for the Muslim community itself to awaken and direct the bla... 1767 days ago12:27 Silver has liked a video Mossad Truck Bombs on September 11 2001 Original Description: My channels 9/11 playlist: Source: