reparto27 followers 0 Your Subscription reparto27 - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 22 days ago21:54 reparto27 has liked a video Rotersand - We Will Kill Them All (HH Version) Europa: The Last Battle: Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told: Download this video in FHD from here: Rotersand - We Will Kill Them All (HH Version) 492 days ago17:08 reparto27 has liked a video "By Way of Deception Thou Shall Do War" / FALSE FLAG in I... What do you all think? False Flag or just incompetence? ? SUB OUR TELEGRAM ?: *SUB OUR ODYSEE*$/invite/@ZionistReport:6 *SUB OUR GAB* *SUB OUR BITCHUTE* 590 days ago19:34 reparto27 has commented on Rachel Levine REFUSES to Answer Gender Modifica... io non voglio vivere in un mondo dove persone cosi' hanno un qualsiasi potere decisionale sulla vita altrui, NON dovrebbe nemmeno essere ascoltato un uomo malato che si taglia il cazzo e si veste da donna, ma stiamo veramente diventando PAZZI. In manicomio altro che governo o esercito I don't want to live in a world where people like that have any power over other people's lives, nor should a sick man cut off his dick and dress like a woman should NOT be listened to, but we really are going CRAZY. In a madhouse nothing but the government or the army 590 days ago19:26 reparto27 has liked a video Rabbi: Kyiv Mayor is [Probably] Jewish Link to original video: #Kyiv #Kiev #Jews ₿ Support Our Cause ₿ (send BTC with a message) 📱 SUB OUR TELEGRAM 📱: *SUB OUR ODYSEE*$/invite/@ZionistReport:6 *SUB OUR GAB* 590 days ago19:13 reparto27 has liked a video NYC Mayor: "We [Blacks & Jews] are the Same!" / Recep... Source: 4:22 7:03 #NYC #Jews #BlackPeople ? SUB OUR TELEGRAM ?: *SUB OUR ODYSEE*$/invite/@ZionistReport:6 *SUB OUR GAB* *SUB OUR BITCHUTE* 590 days ago19:12 reparto27 has commented on NYC Mayor: "We [Blacks & Jews] are the... No one in that room even thinks they are like HIM, they consider him a beast that follows orders, expendable as soon as necessary for their purposes. They succeed in evil deeds because they are united by their deep hatred for anyone who is not a JEW. They have always lived in a mantal GHETTO which is the curse that GOD gave them for abandoning him