DESTROYSYNAGOGUEOFSATANLUCIFERBAPHOMETMOLOCHBAAL followers 0 Your Subscription DESTROYSYNAGOGUEOFSATANLUCIFERBAPHOMETMOLOCHBAAL - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 887 days ago06:36 DESTROYSYNAGOGUEOFSATANLUCIFER has disliked a video Live Aid (Queen) Full Concert [1985, London, Wembley Stadium] Queen performing at Live Aid in front of 72,000 people in Wembley Stadium, London on the 13th July, 1985. The event was organised by Sir Bob Geldof and Midge Ure to raise funds for the Ethiopian famine disaster. Broadcast across the world via one of the largest satellite link-ups of all time, the concerts were seen by around 40% of the global po... 899 days ago21:42 DESTROYSYNAGOGUEOFSATANLUCIFER has liked a video â£Man goes⣠to a synagogue to declare to the jews that Jesus Chr... 902 days ago17:17 DESTROYSYNAGOGUEOFSATANLUCIFER has liked a video 903 days ago22:06 DESTROYSYNAGOGUEOFSATANLUCIFER has liked a video DEMOCIDE: CIVILIANS KILLED BY GOVERNMENTS= TOTAL AND DEPRAVED DISRE... Please watch: "SOCIAL HOUSING IS TOXIC | THE 300,000 TORY PROMISE" --~-- Democide is a term revived and redefined by the political scientist R. J. Rummel as "the murder of any person or people by their government as a result of government policy, including genocide, politicide and mass ... 903 days ago20:34 DESTROYSYNAGOGUEOFSATANLUCIFER has liked a video TRIGGERED JEWESS SPERGS OUT!! (FULL CLIP) The Matador absolutely tears the front hole outta this yenta 904 days ago19:34 DESTROYSYNAGOGUEOFSATANLUCIFER has liked a video The Jesuit Order As A Synagogue Of Jews - Robert Aleksander Maryks Many people love to point the finger at the Jesuits as the cause of the world's troubles. The Jesuit order is a Roman Catholic order of priests and scholars. Their leadership live in the Vatican. The great secret however is that the society of Jesus was organized by crypto-Jews. The Jesuit society was created in 1534 by a group of Marrano J... 905 days ago02:53 DESTROYSYNAGOGUEOFSATANLUCIFER has liked a video 907 days ago19:37 DESTROYSYNAGOGUEOFSATANLUCIFER has liked a video Expel the Jews