schnitzel followers 0 Your Subscription schnitzel - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 12 days ago17:03 schnitzel has liked a video Jim and Diane, WALK AND TALK, Mar 16, 2025, It IS the Jews; Trump&a... *** Jim too antisemitic, someone saying IT’S NOT THE JEWS. We claim, IT WAS THE JEWS!!! To whom MUST congress (and all other politicians) swear loyalty? ISRAEL. Whom can’t you criticise? ISRAEL (To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize). *** Opinion | Trump and Rubio Used an Obscure Law to Attempt ... 544 days ago22:22 schnitzel has liked a video Gemma and Dr. E. Michael Jones - HOLOCAUST NARRATIVE (Book), Sept 3... Gemma and EMJ talk about his book 544 days ago22:08 schnitzel has liked a video It's the Jews, Stupid! Never Trust A jew & more, by Edgar ... Not sure if the title is clear enough :) Edgar is the Lawyer who was framed, imprisoned and murdered by some jews. RIP I have uploaded the writings by Edgar J Steele on my mega account in the “books” category (Link in my pdf) Since my Bitchute channel blocked in most European countries, including the UK and Russia, please feel free to upload ... 545 days ago23:07 schnitzel has liked a video Sweden to Deploy Army Against Drug Armies Sign up to receive my newsletter here: "Sweden turns to military to help police combat gang crime" FT: Business contact: 591 days ago23:29 schnitzel has liked a video 591 days ago23:27 schnitzel has liked a video The IDOL of the "Holocaust" - More Important than God, Au... The Cult of the Holocaust, some Jews will admit it. 593 days ago23:24 schnitzel has liked a video Whats going on in Maui? Aug 13, 2023 Looks like a land grab to me FOLLOWING more targeting weather weapons, but usually fires are started by people. 593 days ago22:32 schnitzel has liked a video Jim Rizoli ON FIRE on Goyimtv (circa Apr 2018), Repost Aug 12, 2023 Rated R for swearing. Boomer Jim takes on the younger guys JIM RIZOLI BLASTS RYAN DAWSON, COMPLETE Pseudo intellectuals living OUTSIDE the country spouting what Americans in THE U.S. Should do. Discussing endlessly AD NAUSEUM issues that don't directly relate to us DODGING AND WEAVING aroun... 594 days ago23:17 schnitzel has liked a video "Holocaust" Truthers vs Liars, Aug 12, 2023 No one talks about those that told the truth about camp conditions