Bundy followers 3 Your Subscription Bundy - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 531 days ago02:32 Bundy has uploaded a video This man was dead (June 2019) before this got out The full "video" of this audio can be found here on ButChite: https://www.bitchute.com/video/a1kfOD9ROkbj/ Firstly, see the obituary link below. *I recorded this full audio with a camera (2 years ago?) as I thought it might be relevant ... and event… 531 days ago01:37 Bundy has uploaded a video Queer Al Yankadick - Zion Man Even after all the scouring of this dusty, old Web for usually useless information over the past 20 years, perhaps I *still* have too much time on my hands when I begin paradizing the paratists. Wait..... I think that's spelled parasites. E/t A… 1167 days ago06:09 Bundy has uploaded a video CTT2022 - Directors Cut - The House of Rothschild In a style akin to MST *** The House of Rothschild *** After further review, a new theory evolved within this rabbit hole; down the tubes of our lost history & the many lies we live within. I played 3rd base, back in the day; the hot corner. Hey! LOOK WHAT I FOUND: * Did Nathan have localized wireless bugging devices in 1815? Definition o... 1268 days ago07:46 Bundy has uploaded a video Ricky Gervais Golden Globes 2020 Pedos Who is the CLEARLY guilty guy, looking at another guilty party, at the 1:56 mark? 1268 days ago06:22 Bundy has uploaded a video Spain invaded BITCHUTE https://www.bitchute.com/sowhat/ TROVO https://trovo.live/so-what YOUTUBE sowhat isback https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNd5WzC1uDSVlNTo7gEtSuQ VK https://vk.com/sowhatonvk TWITCH https://www.twitch.tv/sowhatontwitch JOSHWHOTV https://www.joshwhotv.com/channel/sowhat ODYSEE https://odysee.com/@sowhat:d LBRY https://lbry.tv/@sowhat:d GO... 1269 days ago18:06 Bundy has liked a video This is what Happens When "THEY" Get to a "truther&q... ORDER WHILE YOUR ABLE TO: https://mypatriotsupply.com/pages/rs-repdig-4-week-emergency-food-supply-richie-from-boston-may-2020?rfsn=1750310.2a7b74&subid=RFB.Richie.From.Boston 1269 days ago17:32 Bundy has uploaded a video Black Sabbath - Iron Man I do NOT own this music or clips. 1271 days ago21:28 Bundy has uploaded a video Fauxi declares NO CHRISTMAS! Predictive programming at its finest. 1280 days ago15:51 Bundy has disliked a video Stop watching pornography Check the title. 1322 days ago18:51 Bundy has disliked a video Nothing Is New Under The Sun #Tartaria #tartaria Ancient Superior Tech Examples Did you know that when Graham Bell gave us a telephone he actually said that it has been done before.. The older devices have been reinvented he declared.. Even the greatest genius of his time all mighty Nikola Tesla who gave us wireless electricity almost two centuries ago and who was single-handedly res...