T0000009 followers 10 Your Subscription T0000009 - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1504 days ago00:19 T0000009 has uploaded a video Stand Up And Fight 1504 days ago00:17 T0000009 has uploaded a video Dispelling the jewish hoax None 1507 days ago00:15 T0000009 has uploaded a video White Men Built Everything And They Know It None 1507 days ago23:47 T0000009 has uploaded a video Mass Migration to Europe Sink every migrant boat...well before it reaches land. I have no compassion for these invaders. 1507 days ago23:45 T0000009 has uploaded a video An idyllic time with no racial issues Joe Rogan Experience #1413 - Bill Maher proves "diversity" is a failure in one sentence. 1507 days ago23:43 T0000009 has uploaded a video The Evil Jew Media is Hiding the Truth About Interracial Crime The jewish media wants you to believe that whites are hunting down and killing blacks in America’s streets. The truth is that black animals have been hunting down and murdering whites in the streets for years, despite being a small minority of the population. The disproportionately of black crime is shocking and underscores the truly savage na... 1507 days ago23:40 T0000009 has uploaded a video Even if it's a lie, In my mind it happened Jews are parasites, they are vampires who extort money using guilt, and because of this they destroy every nation they live in. There is a reason they have been expelled from every nation they have ever lived in and just like African they are a threat to everyone on this planet. 1507 days ago23:39 T0000009 has uploaded a video Diversity is out greatest weakness The time for talk is over!