armenia followers 4 Your Subscription armenia - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 593 days ago14:21 armenia has uploaded a video "La Ilaha Illallah" - Chechen War songs First of all credit to Имам Алимсултанов (Imam Alimsultanov) Credit to National Radio for the video. 593 days ago14:19 armenia has uploaded a video Gazavat (Holy War) - Chechen Patriotic War Song Lyrics: Кӏоьамо кӏи тедетта ца докӏна кенти! Богӏацӏу даймекӏка ца аьгна кенти! |: Ваӏ екӏар доьсхӏанакӏ ца кӏийци кенти! Доькӏна а наносхӏна совбоьла кенти! :| Тедетта герз келакӏ ламазна гӏиттусхӏ! Кхацӏане ца кӏоьзусхӏ маркӏанасхӏ кхобусхӏ! |: Гӏазотекӏ Делаца гергарло цӏагӏдесхӏ! Ӏукӏгаицӏу гӏотти ваӏ баккхболу Елцӏа! :| |: Ӏа Аллакӏ, де... 593 days ago14:19 armenia has uploaded a video Chechen War Song — ”Well, I'm a bandit by birth, Boris” just join OUR discord server: Прошу финансово поддержать/Support me there with money: —————————————————— Don’t forget to subscribe ? Also subscribe on my others channel! 593 days ago14:18 armenia has uploaded a video "The Death of Russia" - Chechen War Song My channel is dedicated to anthems, hymns and patriotic songs, here is the link to our discord server: 594 days ago19:19 armenia has uploaded a video Kategorie C - Gott mit Uns 594 days ago19:12 armenia has uploaded a video Prison: Armenian Power 13 are they Sureños? 594 days ago19:10 armenia has uploaded a video Minor feat. LiL Minor - Big House (armenian rap) collect call from prison 594 days ago19:06 armenia has uploaded a video (((Israel))) fully supports Turkey and Azerbaijan: Glendale PD inve... 689 days ago17:31 armenia has uploaded a video Nigga is SHOCKED that white Albanians take over the rap game 689 days ago16:48 armenia has uploaded a video Iranian Song for Qassim Soleimani / English subtitles