FedUpPatriots followers 11 Your Subscription FedUpPatriots - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1243 days ago19:17 FedUpPatriots has liked a stream Hammer Time !!! Donate to hate 1249 days ago21:54 FedUpPatriots has liked a stream Vax the jews Donate entropy 1404 days ago13:31 FedUpPatriots has uploaded a video Adolf Hitler on Social Welfare Adolf Hitler on Social Welfare and being your brother's keeper. 1408 days ago03:23 FedUpPatriots has liked a video 1999 C-SPAN Interview with David Duke on his book "My Awakenin... 1410 days ago19:37 FedUpPatriots has uploaded a video 1999 C-SPAN Interview with David Duke on his book "My Awakenin... 1410 days ago19:12 FedUpPatriots has liked a video Dr. William Luther Pierce on Talmudic Judaism 1410 days ago13:43 FedUpPatriots has uploaded a video Gypsy Crusader Meets Based Lego Man on Omegle Gypsy Crusader meets a lego man doing a roman salute on Omegle while Erika by Herms Niel plays in the background. 1410 days ago13:40 FedUpPatriots has uploaded a video Dr. William Luther Pierce on Talmudic Judaism