DunsScotus followers 0 Your Subscription DunsScotus - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1385 days ago09:36 DunsScotus has favorited a video Video Irish Doctor Exposes the covid scam 1385 days ago09:34 DunsScotus has liked a video Video Irish Doctor Exposes the covid scam 1409 days ago21:02 DunsScotus has liked a video must share Sara Brady Idaho Mom Arrested at Playground is a Cop... you can see what they're doing here it looks like all the videos of the people getting arrested the kids getting taken away is all a psyop they want you rising up so you can be put on the watch list for extermination in the future before 2030 1420 days ago19:26 DunsScotus has liked a video Nationalists vs LGBT FREAKS Poland 1420 days ago19:21 DunsScotus has liked a video The Perfect Citizen 1426 days ago09:03 DunsScotus has favorited a video SODOM None 1426 days ago08:45 DunsScotus has liked a video SODOM None 1426 days ago08:14 DunsScotus has liked a video Dr. Sherry Tenpenny explains mRNA DNA-altering 💉 1433 days ago04:46 DunsScotus has liked a video Why I am not Political