TalmudVision followers 1 Your Subscription TalmudVision - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 14 days ago05:36 TalmudVision has uploaded a video Hitler the Preserver of Dharma A video created by Usernamen 14 days ago05:15 TalmudVision has commented on Mystery Babylon the Great redux Paul Miller btw great show tonight you were on fire your funny as hell too 14 days ago05:02 TalmudVision has uploaded a video Mystery Babylon the Great redux Paul Miller Video about about Babylon the Great by Malakhhatzadik(Paul Miller) 34 days ago06:00 TalmudVision has liked a video Sacred Spaces Sacred Spaces 35 days ago23:57 TalmudVision has commented on 香港,東方之珠,地藏菩薩手上嘅寶珠(許冠傑先生... Hong Kong is beautiful! Death to the communists! 35 days ago23:55 TalmudVision has liked a video 香港,東方之珠,地藏菩薩手上嘅寶珠(許冠傑先生所唱嘅香港國歌,洋紫荊) https://gab.com/SIEG_HEIL/posts/114013974897543826 https://old.bitchute.com/video/Vs9lrzRKnNPP/ Hong Kong Country National Anthem Song, Sing By: Sam Hui, 洋紫荊 Bauhinia 香港,東方之珠,地藏菩薩手上嘅寶珠(許冠傑先生所唱嘅香港國歌,洋紫荊) 我本人自己整嘅片,另外免費贈送我電子書俾香港人,係講關於一啲素食嘢,免費結緣俾有緣人,尤其係香港人,... 35 days ago23:34 TalmudVision has commented on Chaoskampf(Donnergott) ᛋᛋ Two African Chaoskampf gods excluded from the list in the video: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shango https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amadioha#Consort_to_Ani 35 days ago23:24 TalmudVision has uploaded a video Chaoskampf(Donnergott) ᛋᛋ The Storm God. https://mythos-and-legends.fandom.com/wiki/Chaoskampf "The Chaoskampf is an ancient motif from mythology, depicting a god who represents order, defeating a serpent - often a female and/or the god's ancestor - that represents chaos in order to gain control over the cosmos. The tale represents many things, such as ...