Jim and Diane Present - The HOAXBUSTERS #20, Jan 31, 2025 (TMOGV #10, National Socialism vs Communism)

Published on Feb 1, 2025
*** Joe Rizoli died a year ago. Cause of death - death by medical care.
*** TMOGV #10: National Socialism vs Communism: German National Socialism has usually been characterized as a right-wing ideology, while communism is said to occupy the extreme left of the sociopolitical spectrum. This is the traditional view, but there are those today who say Hitler’s obsessive hatred of communism was disingenuous because German National Socialism was essentially no different from communism; both were totalitarian socialist creeds. But this is a superficial observation, and the terms, “right” and “left” are insufficient to describe the two systems. It is true National Socialism contained aspects of socialism, as its name implied, but the differences between National Socialism and communism were profound. The most obvious difference was that National Socialism supported the concept of private property and a market economy, while communism abolished private property and the government controlled the economy through central planning. Under National Socialism the means of production was for the most part in private hands, albeit, guided by the state. Under communism, all private property, including farmland, manufacturing, the means of production, and even private housing, were seized by the state. The only similarity between the two systems was that both were
totalitarian in nature, though, between the two, National Socialism was considerably more benign. Under National Socialism, the private rights of “citizens” were respected and protected, while under communism there were no private rights. Hitler had this to say about the meaning of “socialism” for Germany, as printed in an article in the UK’s Sunday Express,

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