(May 9th--May16th, 2024) They think they are already win

Published on May 19, 2024

The freemason communist/Semitic alLIES May tactic, Victory day monkey show, And they think they are already win .

Every year make the same bullshit, And look at you now .

Tengu Zelenskyy !!!
You are already forgot how Ukraine independence by "NAZI" Germany?
Just like how Hong Kong independence by Japan .
Since they are already forgot the independence thing and need to be remind:

Now, Just look at his hollywood actor, Is all about to misinformation,
Say the same thing with Putin his best friend .

Putin Russian Tengu!!!
You got U.S(Jew Ass)/France/British Nigger Army,
Also, Russia Nigger Army,
These subhuman Nigger ape love their subhuman russian/slavic communist so much .

Putin always love his fucking Chinese/Korean/Niggers being around him, BLM LGBT equality antifa shit you know .

Russian/Slavic, They think that they are already win,
(Even though the whole universe was still full of "NAZI" and Swastika)
The best friend of Jews Korean Chinese Nigger British/U.S(Jew Ass)/France and their Communist pal around the world .
Where is your most advanced Tank this year?
Every year make the same bullshit, Just look at you now .

they think that they are already win,
Where is your most advanced Tank this year?

Along with their chinese/Korean best friend,
Even in Heavy Rain, Always hammer and sickle,
Even being Submerged like this .

And their communist alLIES U.S(Jew Ass) British France etc, Even promote their so-called victory day in almost every their gaming platform .
And they claim their so-called victory of Europe .
Diablo IV Loot Reborn trailer, Even have their Star of david shit to promote .

Also, Russian/Slavic KGB Communist Sex Spy in Tokyo/Japan,
Promote their subhuman foreigner, Race mixing, And colony Japan .

Tokugawa Family foreign dogs crime in Japan, Chinese/Korean crime in Japan etc etc .
Kishida Tokugawa Family foreign dogs crime even say need
to gain more trust with Korea (And China Russia U.S(Jew Ass) etc) .

Also, Along with Russia China U.S(Jew Ass) France British,
China now have their new 2024 May Movie to promote their Nigger friend .
To promote their SJW Communist Semitic Antifa Justice and peace bullshit .

Both Kishida foreign dog and Xi jing ping went to Paris on May 2024, To meet their semitic/Communist alLIES .

Also, May 9th--11th 2024, In U.S(Jew Ass) New York(Jew York), China U.S(Jew Ass) with their Freemason Semitic Communist flag .
All over their street to celebrate, Along with their Chinese Freemason .

Also, May 2024 in British, A Jew sing Chinese Communist song,
Along with British alLIES, To praise china .

Putin and Xi jing ping May 16th, 2024 etc etc .
Along with bunch of their best friends shit skin indian and Nigger as you can see .

All the Japanese enemies foreigns ethnic group subhuman like Russian(Slavic)/British/Jews(Tengu)/U.S(Jew Ass)/France/Nigger/Shit skin/Korean and Chinese etc etc .

Here's how the subhuman russian(slavic) soviet communist KGB sex spy doing their job in Japan .
Espeacially with Tokyo "people" Togukawa family and jimindo leftist trash etc .
All of them will be Executed .

Most of the race mixing with them is Tokugawa family or Tokyo people as you can see, And in our coalition laws this is a capital crime!!!!
Not even the Heavenly Gods will forgive you!!!!!!!!Not even the Ocean will forgive you!!!!!!!!Not even land will will forgive you!!!!!!!!

Japanese is Pure Japanese Bloodline,
Not the subhuman foreigns like you with so-called Japan identity card that get from your international "marriage" race mixing dirty sex spy KGB job
or from Tokugawa family dogs who sell Japan out!!!!!
It's all about pure bloodline with Pure Japanese Traditional own land!!!!!
You not even much to see Germans Aryan Japanese mix but only see them the subhuman on all over the videos .

And these subhuman foreigners on youtube(Jewtube), Like Russian/Slavic "White" christian Niggers U.S(Jew Ass) Jews British France Shit skin Indian
Korean chinese etc etc LGBTQ Feminist alLIES communist that make video in Japan to promote their subhuman foreigns to Japan,
You can see their like of videos is around 10000, That because is the like of zimindo Tokugawa and their subhuman foreigns like,
But real Japanese videos who promote Pure Japanese and Traditional only on youtube(Jewtube) is not that much like, That because real Japanese population is not that much,
And those subhuman foreigns dislike it and they want Japan mix with their subhuman race .

All these subhuman foreigners and Togukawa fanmily race mixing etc etc who promote foreigns, Will be Executed by our coalition!!!!!!:


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