(April 9th--15th, 2024) The Enemies Of Japan

Published on Apr 15, 2024

Even during Submerged, They still wanna to do this monkey show for encourage each other, Cuz that's all they can do now .
If war is already prepared, You never need to make these nonsense news to show the public bullshit .

Lies after lies to misinformation about the pacific war tension on their clown show,
For selling their weapons to tricks money and aid their jewish around the world for colony of course !!!

And they think they can using investment trick to manipulate on Tokyo, Then the whole Japan, And i wonder how long Tokyo can still exist .

As i've told you, In 2024,
Communist/Freemason Tengu people trying to use AI that steal from us to manipulate,
But they didn't know this AI will trigger to be turn to our army and slaughter them back (Even AI is not our main focus but Mantras etc is) .

Pedophile gathering party? You don't show them your diversity sex party?
Nevermind, Maybe they are more expert than you .

You wonder why during these few days,
Tengu and chinese have such an emergency big move to nervously meeting this meeting that, Stressfully to meeting their dogs/Spy around .
You wonder why these 自民党 Chinese/Korean spy Tokugawa family Foreign dogs along with their U.S(Jew Ass)Tengu Shit Skin Foreigner, Massively doing investment money skimming show in their Tokyo TV .
That because tons of their physical object industry has been destroyed .
So they are so thirsty to do these money skimming show, And think Japanese people was the fool like them and can be colony like the others .
Everyone knows they has already broke in both morality and resources .
As i've already said it, They will eventually failed .

Now "Taiwan" has officially send their people to china to make it clear they are one family chinese,
Remember as i've mentioned before the real name of "Taiwan", Is 中華民国 The Republic of China?
Don't you forget already just fews days ago how friendship these U.S(Jew Ass) and Chinese communist?
Now even xi jinping said it himself: "We China and Taiwan are both Chinese, A family" .
Since (February 27th, 2024) Black ships 2024 to Japan i've already said it, Is "Taiwan" be afraid to be part of China? No !!!
Now you know why this Chinese Korean spy Foreign dog Kishida and his 自民党 and 自衛隊 love "Taiwan" so much? :

And this Chinese Korean spy Foreign dog Kishida also said it himself: We (自民党 Chinese/Korean spy Tokugawa family Foreign dogs, And 自衛隊, The so-called "Japan Self-Defense Forces") with U.S(Jew Ass) and China are alLIED .

You never seen this shameless bitches before, Being caught holding diversity sex party, Tons of Their 自民党/Communist Unification church Party Members being arrested for Foreign Money,

Being caught secretly contact relation with china and Korea:

And still, This Chinese Korean spy Foreign dog Kishida going to our enemy U.S(Jew Ass) and claim Japan are the alLIED of these freemason capitalist communist U.S(Jew Ass)/Israel British and China Korea Russia, And Philippine dogs etc etc shit skin monkey who loyal to U.S(Jew Ass) since WW2, killed Japanese people in Japan .
Even everyone know He and his 自民党/自衛隊 was the Foreign spy/dogs .

So what make this Chinese Korean spy Foreign dog Kishida this Shameless, And even think himself was Tenno Heika to make such decision?
Is 自衛隊, This so-called Japan army Foreign dog, 1800's Was Tokugawa Ieyasu family shogunate army, And now 自衛隊,
Why??? Because The whole Freemason Jewish U.S(Jew Ass) Russia British France semitic "White" christian and Chinese Korean freemason, They use them trying to colony Japan:
Like i just show you before, These 自衛隊 are loyal to Jewish star of david flag .
This so-called "Japan Self-Defense Forces" 自衛隊 is fight for Freemason "israeli" Tengu Jewish/U.S(Jew Ass)/Russian(Slavic)/Chinese/Korean/Shit skin indian(Dalit/Shudra)/Nigga etc etc .
As well as Tokugawa family 自民党 Semitic Unification Church Foreign Dogs Army you can called .
Aka (Tokyo Army) who "defend" Japan, Who trying to open border for subhuman foreigner to colony Japan .
As i've shown you before:

This is make us angry, All of these 自衛隊 The so-called "Japan Self-Defense Forces" loyal to 自民党 Yakuza Chinese/Korean spy Tokugawa family Unification church Foreign dogs U.S(Jew Ass) British France Russia China Korea etc etc abrahamic-semitic alLIES/Communist Foreigns, They will all being wipe out!!!!!

Our Tenno Heika at that moment has only make a wrong decision, Is pardon these Tokugawa Family dogs, And this also influence the late WW2 who Tokugawa Family dogs have their spy beside Tenno Heika, And misleading Our Tenno Heika to read that so-called "surrender" letter for Japanese Civilian, Even Though Our Imperial Japanese Army Has Won the Whole Asia .

To false report the numbers like so many Japanese civilians being wipe, To use this kind of cunning mentally lies instead of fight like a real man .
To make Japanese think we are lose the war, Misleading Our Imperial Japanese Army think that is the order of Tenno Heika to order to lay down their Katana/Weapons to stop attacking .

And their jewish Slavic Chinese British media to misinformation,
Is all Tokugawa Family dogs who cooperate with chinese russian korean French British and jews behind it!!!!!!!
Except Father Fudo Myoo himself, And except Your highness Poseidon Heavenly army, Except them, No one can defeat Our Imperial Japanese Army!!!!!!!

And today, The same cunning mentally lies again they've use, of course we all know!!!!!!!



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