(November 15th--20th, 2023) Traitor of Japan and Germany, Along with enemies china/U.S(Jew Ass)/Israel/Communist/Semitic, Who talk about peace .

Published on Nov 20, 2023

(November 15th--20th, 2023)
You know how i wake up this morning?
I'm rage even in dream that i non-stop slaughtering these bitches, Until i rage shout to woke myself up this morning, That's how i woke up this morning .

Traitor of Japan and Germany, Along with enemies china/U.S(Jew Ass)/Israel/Communist/Semitic, Who talk about peace .

Nice hat Scholz, Only hat? You forgot to wear Tengu mask at this speech?
Plus, Since when those foreigner who colonial the land that does not belong to them, Since 1948 Tengu along with their slavic russian soviet communist and U.S(Jew Ass), Plus the chinese communist now to Kill the local children, And be able to claim have the right to "self-defend"?

Family being threatened by Tengu to bullshit like this?
Don't worry, We will help you wipeout 80% of "German" population, And remain you 20% real German bloodline .
Scholz, Today you make this decision, You have choose your fate .

Feel ashamed or feel guilty to being Germans or Japanese?
As those Tengu freemason along with their asian jews chinese/U.S(Jew Ass) Russian(slavic)/France/British/Shit skin indian (Sudra/Dalit)/ alLIES communist semitic bitches, Who tell you to feel guilty to being Germans or Japanese?

At this point, Any Japan self defend force still think they are fight for Japan, Think again, Or fight for Israel U.S(Jew Ass) China Russia?

Japan don't need self defend force who fight for Tengu and their friends, Japan only need Japanese imperial army who fight for Japanese and loyal to Tenno family,
Also, 80% of "German" population will be wipeout, Until 20% of real German remain .

E.U and Nato who fought for the jews/Tengu?, From this moment, You should not exist anymore,
Europe either stand alone or side with anti-semitic/anti-communist, Or being wipeout 卐

Xi jing ping say chinese will never take the old path again, Like war, colonization, Plunder, Coercion, You believe their bullshit?

You should ask how communist become communist .
Just look at their china flag, Just look at U.S(Jew Ass) Israel flag, With communist star/Semitic star .

Trying to play peace? Fucking equality living together with these bitches?
No, World must be war !!!!!!!!!!!

Traitor of German/Japan, Plus Tengu Antifa Freemason/Communist/Tengu the Abraham-Semitic/Russian Slavic/LGBT/France/British/Shit skin indian (Sudra/Dalit)/Chinese/Nigger/Vietnam/Myanmar etc etc along with their drugs, All these subhuman, All Must Be Wipeout 卐 !!!!!!
Foreigner and their spy that in Japan, Including Tengu freemason Unification church 自民党 chinese korean communist spy kishida bitches who trying to sell Japan out, Even the whole Tokyo is no more in the future, They must be wipeout 卐 !!!!!!
90% of this world population, All Must Be Wipeout 卐 !!!!!!

January 1st, 2024, I will add more .






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