Saugus Shooting - Data Dump and STRANGE Findings
Published on May 18, 2020
Initial release of information the general public is unaware of. For example, were people actually hugging the "shooter" after the shooting? You decide.
Sagus, Saugus High School, Saugus Shooting, Valencia, Santa Clarita, Isla Vista, Peter Rodger, Chris Martinez, Richard Martinez, Veronika Weiss, Santa Barbara, Elliott Rodger, Peter Rodger, George Chen, Weihan Wang, investigation, terror, fear, staged terrorism, constitution, privacy, bill of rights, Jared Loughner, oligarchs, media, James Hong, media coverage, programming, psyop, Wade Page, PATCON, history, Barack Obama, stooge, patsy, shadow government, Katie Cooper, nwo, oligarchy, elitists, FBI, Adrianne Haslet, trauma, emergency, Adam Lanza, Nancy Lanza, Peter Lanza, Veronika Weiss, boston marathon, injuries, fake injuries, killed, false flag, false flag attack, staged attack, moulage, deception, boston marathon, Chris Martinez, marathon, boston police, Marilyn Kight, EMT, Soumaya Akaaboune, Columbine, Massacre, Cheng Hong, Klebold, Harris, Cassie Bernall, Steven Curnow, William Sanders, Matt Kechter, Virginia Tech, mass shooting, UCSB, Fort Hood Shooting, Gabrielle Giffords, Tuscon shooting, Loughner, Jared Loughner, Karl Pierson, Arapahoe, IED, Sikh Temple, Arapahoe school, Townsend, Bernall, Fleming, Curnow, Bernal, Rachel Scott, Rohrbough, SWAT, FEMA, second amendment, lockdown, crisis actors, staged, Steve Pieczenik, Alex Jones, school shooting, Homeland Security, victims, DHS, Stockton, Stockton School Shooting, Hoax, Patrick Purdy, Sandy Hook, Daniel Ferguson, mass shooting, shooting hoax, witnesses, eyewitness, false flag, testimony, drill, Navy Yard Shooting, staged, gun control, AR-15, Tracy Murphy, Claire Davis, handgun, shotgun, Barack Obama, white house, Giffords, Safeway shooting, Alexis, Mary Knight, attack, bombing, false flag, government, Christian Williams, police, death records, public relations, PR, government sponsored, 9/11, lihop, mihop, operation gladio, sandy hook, batman massacre
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