Fred Leuchter Discusses the Infamous Mr. Death Movie and His Imprisonment in Germany
Published on Apr 17, 2024
MR. DEATH is a 1999 cinematic portrait of the life and career of Fred Leuchter, the courageous execution equipment designer, real historian, and holohoax exposer whose series of LEUCHTER REPORTS demonstrated the impossibility of the "gas chambers" narrative. In this video, Mr. Leuchter joins Jim Rizoli and his wife Diane to talk about the movie, his wrongful imprisonment in Germany, and the draconian "Holocaust" laws designed to prevent the truth about the events surrounding the Second World War from coming out.
Read the Leuchter reports and other works by Mr. Leuchter:
More books on the Holohoax:
Other books on Jewishness:
Other books on Real History:
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