The FOUR Amigos HOAXBUSTERS, Thursday, September 22, 2022

Published on Sep 24, 2022
Joe Provides a Summary, Sept 22, 2022
Audio: (Had browser problems playing this, shifted to another browser and it played.)

1. Ken Burns’ propaganda exposed again, the lies, rumors exaggerations of holocaust history
2. 11 min - Kristallnacht, “the night of broken glass,” the real story.
3. 16 min - The Yellow (jewish) Star
4. 18 min - Jehovah’s Witness and Auschwitz - the real story
5. 30 min - The DEATH MARCH, (the jews wish) but the real story
6. 35 min - The camp arm Tattoos, the real story/The fake tattoos, the jewish lies/ IBM story
7. 51 min - What is a LOXIST? Sociopathic hatred of nonjews.
8. 1 hr 10 min - More holocaust facts, showers, cremations, concentration camp money.
9. 1 hr 21 min - Anti-Racist Hitler video by White Rabbit
10. 1 hr 42 min - Ron Beaty donates to Oath Keepers, big deal! If that’s what he wanted to do, what he felt was right, he shouldn’t have ‘back-pedaled’ but stood up to the PC bullies.
11. 1 hr 47 min - Framingham Housing, Illegal immigrants Schools have a big problem.
12. 1 hr 57 min - Covid firings and the legal ramifications.
13. 1 hr 59 min - The Spanish mocking holocaust 6 million video
14. 2 hr 24 min - Explaining the Gas chambers stories with real FACTS, nor fiction lies or rumor
15. Covid virus doesn't show up in autopsies ... hmmmm!!!

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