Published on Sep 30, 2022
Dianna Ploss with Jim and Joe Rizoli and Diane King
1. Hitler and the uses of Guillotines OR FAKE NEWS, the facts and rumors
2.23 min - Pastor Steve Anderson and Genealogy doesn't make anyone special video, discussion
3. 27 min - Understanding Jer 31:33: But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.
4. 30 min - Race mixing, good, bad, ugly? Nuremberg Laws from Germans and Jews viewpoint
5. 43 min - Dispensationalism and the controversy. Video, what is wrong with Dispensationalism? (The great detractor - nullifying various Scriptures)
6. 1 hr 1 min - Rick Wiles and his anti-Zionist truths, but is he really all red pilled?
7. 1 hr 16 min - How Hitler became Jew wise, he wasn't born that way
8. 1 hr 18 min - WHO benefited from 911?
9. 1 hr 24 min - The Holocaust 6,000,000 goes back to 1900's, it's a fraud number
10. 1 hr 38 min - video, no such thing as a white Jew
11. 1 hr 48 min - JEWS worship themselves as idols
12. 1 hr 54 min - Mel Gibson his father and David Coles supposed video. (Ashley commented in the discussion notes that the Hutton Gibson interview project had been cancelled.)
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