Jim and Diane, WALK AND TALK, Dec 18, 2023, Don’t Look Up, jews’ use of the holocaust and more
Published on Dec 20, 2023
*** The movie, DON’T LOOK UP - spoof on every aspect of our society especially in the face of a literal ‘earth shattering’ event.
*** the jews only care about their money/control machine - AKA the holocaust.
*** old jew takes on holocaust deniers.
*** What can we learn from Sch(w)indler’s List
Ernst Zundel speaks with Pastor Pete Peters Circa 1980's
When Fiction Becomes Reality
Ernst Zundel Demolishes Sch(w)indler’s List
221 Zundel videos
*** 911 questions and discussion (molten metal, empty building and burning cars phenomenon)
*** Sharing opinions on a collection of topics.
*** Evolution
*** ANYTHING is possible, but is it likely or reality!!!
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Jim and Diane, WALK AND TALK, Dec 6, 2023, AIDS, Hoax Jews WNY, Defamation of Jim
93 views 474 days ago