As Usual Icke The Kike Has NO SOLUTIONS!!!

Published on Aug 19, 2020
Recently David Icke spoke on London Real about the Coronavirus hoax and the demons plans to enslave us and radiate and poison us with harmful vaccinations in their Godless, cashless microchipped hellish civilization.
He had a massive platform with 64,000 people watching him live which put the his interview on track for 10 to 15-million views, then YouTube deleted it shortly after the stream. It has now had over 2 million views on various platforms on the internet. Still the real point is this: DID ICKE OFFER ANY PRACTICAL SOLUTIONS? THE ANSWER IS CLEARLY NO!!! At the end of his interview, he told everyone to “Do what they feel.” These are not the words of leadership!!! These are the words of a shill programming our minds to accept International Jewry’s World Communist takeover!!!
If he really was a leader of men, he would have used the great platform he had to call the truthful people of the world to the ONLY SOLUTION we have to this demoniac tyranny which is stripping us of all our rights and freedoms namely CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE!!!
TRANSLATION: The loud sound of the chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra certainly made the Kazi very much afraid, and he hid himself within his room. Hearing the people thus protesting, murmuring in great anger, the Kazi would not come out of his home.
PURPORT: The Kazi’s order not to perform sankirtana could stand only as long as there was no civil disobedience. Under the leadership of the Supreme Lord, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the chanters, increasing in number, disobeyed the order of the Kazi. Thousands assembled together and formed parties, chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra and making a tumultuous sound of protest. Thus the Kazi was very much afraid, as naturally one should be under such circumstances.
In the present day also, people all over the world may join together in the Krsna consciousness movement and protest against the present degraded governments of the world’s godless societies, which are based on all kinds of sinful activities. Srimad-Bhagavatam states that in the Age of Kali, thieves, rogues and fourth-class people who have neither education nor culture capture the seats of governments to exploit the citizens. This is a symptom of Kali-yuga that has already appeared. People cannot feel secure about their lives and property, yet the so-called governments continue, and government ministers get fat salaries, although they are unable to do anything good for society. The only remedy for such conditions is to enhance the sankirtana movement under the banner of Krsna consciousness and protest against the sinful activities of all the world’s governments.
The Krsna consciousness movement is not a sentimental religious movement; it is a movement for the reformation of all the anomalies of human society. If people take to it seriously, discharging this duty scientifically, as ordered by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the world will see peace and prosperity instead of being confused and hopeless under useless governments. There are always rogues and thieves in human society, and as soon as a weak government is unable to execute its duties, these rogues and thieves come out to do their business. Thus the entire society becomes a hell unfit for gentlemen to live in. There is an immediate need for a good government–a government by the people, with Krsna consciousness. Unless the masses of people become Krsna conscious, they cannot be good men. The Krsna consciousness movement that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu started by chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra still has its potency. Therefore people should understand it seriously and scientifically and spread it all over the world.
Prabhupada From Caitanya Caritamrta Adi 17.141

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