Hitler & The Atomic Bomb

Published on Aug 19, 2020
With Hitler and Hitlerist Germany a fundamental change was realized, even in the domain of science. In a few years the Aryan Subconscious asserted its representations, its Hyperborean archetypal different concepts. He did not accept the Einsteinian theory of relativity. Because of this Hitler, able to achieve, and having achieved, the atomic bomb and atomic fission by his own means, could not use that annihilating disintegrating bomb. It did not correspond to his integrating, non-atomizing, Archetype in his Aryan Collective Unconscious. And so it happened that he did not use it. In "The Golden Band: Esoteric Hitlerism" I have told how Skorzeny wrote in this respect: Hitler had confessed to him he would not use the atomic bomb to win the war. It is very possible the bomb the Americans used against Japan was the one the Germans did not use against them. By doing so Hitler would not have won the war, he would have lost it, since he would have Judaized his own world, using an extreme Jew method. He would have used the weapon of the enemy. He would have lost by winning. Instead he won by losing.
Adolf Hitler: The Ultimate Avatar - Miguel Serrano
So far, of course, I know that this nuclear weapon was already discovered by the German people and Hitler, it is said that he did not use it. Because he knew it that "If I throw this nuclear weapon there will be devastation." So from this point it can be considered that he had some human consideration. So he's advertised very adversely, but if it is a true fact, then how he could have this human consideration that he did not throw the nuclear weapon? And this was taken by the Americans and it was thrown in Japan. That is the history so far we know.
[Prabhupada from a Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam Lecture 1.7.19 Vrndavana, September 16, 1976]
Dr. Patel: Yes, sir, but it is said that the German scientist ran away to America because they were afraid of Hitler. If Hitler gets the secret of atom, he would bomb out the whole world.
Prabhupāda: No, no. Hitler knew it.
Dr. Patel: No. They were not able to be successful to...
Prabhupāda: No, no. He knew it, everything, but he did not like to do it. He said. He said. He was gentleman. But these people are not gentlemen. He knew it perfectly well. He said that "I can smash the whole world, but I do not use that weapon." The Germans already discovered. But out of humanity they did not use it. And all the, your American, other countries, they have stolen from German ideas.
[Prabhupada Morning Walk, November 20, 1975, Bombay]
Paramahamsa: Adolf Hitler was vegetarian.
Prabhupada: Eh?
Paramahamsa: Adolf Hitler was vegetarian.
Prabhupada: Who?
Paramahamsa: Adolf Hitler.
Svarupa Damodara: Hitler.
Prabhupada: Ah. He was a good man.
Paramahamsa: Oh!
Prabhupada: Therefore he did not drop the atomic bomb.
Paramahamsa: Yes I agree.
Prabhupada: Your Truman dropped.
Paramahamsa: Not my Truman.
Prabhupada: Yes your Truman your president.
Paramahamsa: I’m not American.
Devotees: [laughter]
Prabhupada: He hesitated; therefore I don’t believe that he killed so many Jews in concentration camps.
Paramahamsa: But actually Hitler he was trying to invent the atom bomb, but the Americans invented it before before Tru.. The Americans invented it before the Nazis did.
Prabhupada: No no the Americans stolen..
Svarüpa Damodara: The German Germans invented the atomic.. The Germans first..
Paramahamsa: [indistinct] they had the plan but they could not invent it.
Prabhupada: No what they drop dropped in Japan that was German.. technology arrangement…
[Prabhupada Morning Walk -- October 8, 1972, Berkeley]
Prabhupada: Ah, yes. So these English people, they were very expert in making propaganda. They killed Hitler by propaganda. I don't think Hitler was so bad man. What do you think? You are Englishman. (laughter)
Hari-sauri: It's getting.... (laughs) Just from hearing you speak in the last few months I can understand that the whole history that I was ever presented in school is completely warped around to the way that the English saw it, especially the last two centuries, when the British empire was on the move. It's completely...
[Prabhupada Room Conversation, June 17, 1976, Toronto]

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