The Jew as Criminal by Julius Streicher (3 of 9) Fences and Thieves

Published on Jul 8, 2020
Bolshevik jews in Germany, Excellent example of Jewish low life criminals and how they work, Pick pocketing is a jewish occupation
Streicher died on the gallows at Nuremberg solely for publishing a paper critical of the Jews.
Streicher was not part of the German government during the war.
Streicher had no role in the German war effort or in the concentration camps.
Julius Streicher -- martyred Crusader For Truth: Julius Streicher is the most famous writer and authority on the Jewish problem in all of history. He has been greatly maligned by the forces of organized Jewry. Of the eleven German martyrs who went to their deaths on the gallows at Nuremberg on October 16, 1946, Streicher alone died solely for his speeches and writings.
Streicher had absolutely nothing to do with the German planning or conduct of World War II. In fact, during the war, he was not even in the government. He was lynched at Nuremberg for absolutely no other reason than because he was highly effective in exposing the many hidden facts about Jews. His world famous weekly newspaper, Der Sturmer, frankly discussed the Jewish Problem, including their founding of Communism, conspiring against Christianity, and using their great financial resources to subvert governments and the formation of monopolies to wipe out Christian owned small businesses. Streicher especially exposed the Jewish proclivity for unfairly gaining financial advantages over Gentiles.
I downloaded these audio files from ‘the end of zion’ a few years ago. The site is now gone.
Other parts
1 What Linguistics and Statistics Show
2 The Jew in Court -


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