School of Darkness - Communist Leader, Dr Bella Dodd, Confesses to Infiltrating the Church & USA

Published on Oct 12, 2021
In this audio you will hear Bella Dodd who was a leader of the Communist Party of America (CPUSA) in the 1930' s and 1940's. She explains what she did while working as a communist and then describes her conversion back to the Catholic Faith thanks to
Archbishop Futlon Sheen. Dr. Dodd served as legal council (attorney) for the Communists. Her book, "School of Darkness" (1954) reveals that Communism was
perpetrated by financiers "to control the common man" and to advance world tyranny.
She also testified before the US House Un-American Activities Committee. Speaking as a former high ranking official of the American Communist Party, Mrs. Dodd said:
"In the 1930s we put eleven hundred men into the priesthood in order to destroy the Church from within."
The idea was for these men to be ordained and progress to positions of influence and authority as Monsignors and Bishops. A dozen years before Vatican II she stated that:
"Right now they are in the highest places in the Church" — where they were working to
bring about change in order to weaken the Church's effectiveness against Communism. She also said that these changes would be so drastic that "you will not recognize the Catholic Church."
These words would prove frightfully true after the Second Vatican Council. We have seen the absolute destruction of faith, morals, doctrine and Tradition since the disasters of the Second Vatican Council and the Illicit 'New' Mass.


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