The Rothschilds' Role in the Genocide of the Boers - Stephen Mitford Goodson

Published on Jul 6, 2024
Rothschilds bought Encyclopaedia Britanica in 1861 then Reuters
New York
Jews had More white slaves than black slaves
8 Russia abolished Child slave labour 100 years before England
Jewish restrictions in Russia - administration, banking & education
cotton transparent to Indian - exchanged for Opium which was sent to China, which was exchanged for Silver, which was sent to England = Sassoon became Rich
11 1815 Rothschild controlled the Bank of England
Slavery officially ended 1834
18 1886 Gold was discovered, 47,000 tons of Gold excavated so far
Gold miners were Jews, Rothschild was their leader
Jews invaded Johannesburg, all working for Rothschild
Rothschild set up the imaginary grievance = slander
1899 war began over Gold
6,000 Boers vs 488,000 English soldiers (working for Rothschild)
28 English Broke all the rules of war, following the command of the Jew, Kitchener, who blamed the Australians for war crimes
52 British Press responsible for starting the war
57 1960s "concentration camps" were not allowed to be taught at universities and schools = Jewish brainwashing
Kitchener the gay psychotic Jew
Rothschild gave 1 million pounds to Cecil Rhodes to orchestrate the attack and get the diamonds
1870s Rothschild controlled Cecil Rhodes & De Beers (diamonds)
everything controlled from the city of London.
Dutch East India company controlled the churches
1.14 1861 Rothschild bought Encyclopaedia Britannica, followed by Reuters
Rothschilds are the richest family in the World.
CIA controlled by Rothschild
George Soros = Rothschild frontman

relevant links
pdf #Books
A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind - Stephen Mitford Goodson 2014
Rothschilds War manual - The original Protocols 1773
Rothschild and the black slave trade in England and America
The Rothschild Roots of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) 1978 Kalergi
How Jewry turned England into a Plutocratic State 1940
The Great Red Dragon - L B Woolfolk 1889 (How Rothschild took control of USA & Europe & India)
Corona Rothschild protocols
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