Letter to My Siblings Part 1.2: Common Misconceptions and Great Lies - Culmination of a Conspiracy
Published on Sep 10, 2022
Part 1.2
A genetic fight is happening within Europeans - and going against the group is the mark of a genetic outlier. What seem to be religious conflicts are actually often masks for genetic conflicts, the importance of religious cohesion, and how high trust societies are in danger of being overrun and overtaken by out groups high in ethnocentrism. Also, the fallacy of the US "melting pot" when in fact the US was created by White Nationalists which is the natural default for White people, how the current agenda is one of herding peoples into "Replacism" - and the Great Reset/Agenda '21/'30, "Sustainability," and the great resource grabs of our time which are funded and fostered by the 1% who own ... well... everything.
Featuring: Tom Rowsell and Dr. Edward Dutton on "Survive the Jive," Alternative Hypothesis ("You're Not Left Wing," and "The Folly of Jordan Peterson"), James Corbett, Frank Raymond, bits from Vincent James of "The Red Elephants," Renaud Camus (courtesy of "Daughter of Albion"), "Monopoly - An Overview of the Great Reset," "Who is Dave Miliband" by Christopher Bolynn, and more.