Letter to My Siblings Part 1: Common Misconceptions and Great Lies - Culmination of a Conspiracy

Published on Sep 10, 2022
I've taken the time to compile this mainly for my family - all rather intelligent people who are, nonetheless (to varying degrees), entrenched in the psychopathic system we find ourselves trying to rid ourselves of today. Once Whites are gone, the world of men will fall. The Great Reset is not, simply, for the psychopathic "elite" to create a "world of their own" -but a metaphysical reality of their own. I want allies. I want family to have allies. I want our people to have allies. I want all of humanity to have allies. What might we achieve if those of high capability who are also high integrity, understood what is happening?
I hope that this proves helpful for anyone wishing to take basic steps to enlighten the status quo in their own lives who keep using terms like "the Left" and "the Right". If it doesn't work - I'd advise we try not to take it too personally. Of course it's personal when, out of love, care, and a righteous desire to see our people into the future, that many of those who are supposed to be closest to us, remain obtuse and in servitude to that which is destroying us all. But do not give up. If your loved ones are willing to sit for a few hours - this could go a bit of the way where, I do not believe some of the numerous compilations that are WONDERFUL out there - do. This series takes us through evidence of natural in-group preference, the takeover of the world through fake mercantilism within a fractional reserve central banking system based on debt, its role in Communism, what Communism and Globalism actually are - including Agenda '21 / '30, and the coming singularity. The common denominator responsible should be named - and I've borrowed heavily from excellent researchers and creators - and there are many who've done a better job - but, again, I created this with my own family in mind. I hope you check out all of these sources for yourself - many of whom are professionals with years and years of experience putting information out there for all of us to learn from and enjoy.
My siblings believe individuals exist within all groups of people who are desirous and capable of achieving what, namely, White people have achieved. They believe that they are duty bound as Christians and "humanists" - to be responsible to varying degrees, for not only these people, but through them the world of men via their individual and familial achievements, and via the perpetuation of the "White Man's Burden" - which is, for many of them, "simply" to provide the venue and tools by which other groups rise to help accelerate our own demise. I've attempted here to help them see what is clear: White culture does indeed exist - and it will not continue once Whites are no longer. It is this false "humanist" perception that Whites have any obligation other than to their own people, which will in fact be the key factor in destroying all that Whites are endeavoring to preserve within other groups of people, as well as within their own.


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