TargetedIndividual student and the Secret Society Harassments

Published on Jan 23, 2023
Ever since i have come to this university i have been threatened, ridiculed and disrupted by packs of these weirdos who use different forms of harassment. To begin with my stay at the huge dorm where they mobbed me, disturbed me to the point i had lost patience and temper but then i knew it was some sort of a program with these crazy bunch acting as pscyho squad in order to play with my patience and destroy my sanity.

They would follow me to my bed which was in the corner of the giant dorm, fart next to me, throw their used condoms next to my bed, burp and do the nose noises anytime i was around.

They have a main handler, usually a hairy, chubby and older guy who is their dad and he is responsible for finances and protection of perps whom he uses to reach you and gas light you and put you in some trap.

I had to make several reports last year to the police but then the dear Dean who is from the lodges spoiled all my efforts by calling me psychologically ill behind my back without even meeting me. see this is how this program is designed. they harass you and make your life a living hell but when you report it then they push the


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