Hi welcome to my channel followers 1 Your Subscription Hi welcome to my channel - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 794 days ago13:21 RohullahMojaddedi has liked a video Targeted Individuals are Prisoners of War 795 days ago16:10 RohullahMojaddedi has uploaded a video #TargetedIndividualStudent Disrupted with noise campaign from the p... #TargetedIndividualStudent disturbed as i am studying for tomorrows test. The perps usually play their tones to disturb me while i am sleeping. The churches even use their guitarist to perp a Targeted person. The lodges, well they master it as i have been perped by their oldest members. So This is prolly the laserSound they play to disrup... 795 days ago16:09 RohullahMojaddedi has uploaded a video #TargetedIndividualStudent Room gassed and poisoned to the suffocat... #TargetedIndividualStudent So i go out exercising and as i am heading to the restaurant, i see perps especially from the one from The Adventist Church who is also a secret society member trying to push himself to become my friend and roommate (God forbid). I had seen his evil activities back in the giant probationary dorm where he used to do t... 795 days ago16:07 RohullahMojaddedi has uploaded a video #TargetedIndividualStudents day off from internship #TargetedIndividualStudent Sometimes the table stops at good after its harshest turns of those wicked who feel a kind of bittersweet pricking of malicious delight in contemplating the misfortunes of targeted individuals who lose everything, every moment of happiness and joy and rest and have their hearts and souls fallen apart and broken, which ... 795 days ago16:04 RohullahMojaddedi has uploaded a video #TIStudent loses teeth due to constant EMF/morgellons microwave att... #TargetedindividualStudent with my air poisoned, room sprayed, and clothes and food and water contaminated over the past year my teeth and gums are all infected and i have lost and also had to refill some of my teeth. They just butchered me at the dentist office with two people pulling my mouth and sucking off blood. It was such a bizzare momen... 795 days ago16:02 RohullahMojaddedi has uploaded a video #TargetedIndividualStudent bombarded with EMF at the restaurant #TargetedIndividualStduent attacked with EMF nonstop on my jaw with EMF that hurts the bone of the lower mouth. Had to go to the dentist yesterday and apparently it is the surgical part they are targeting and attacking with EMF leaving me in terrible pain. It is really painful and has the burning seizures on the body and head parts sometimes T... 795 days ago15:58 RohullahMojaddedi has uploaded a video #TIStudent dealing with Masonic Calendar trying to force me into ma... They staged my marriage ceremony scene with dead family members such as my aunt and grandma whom they killed with microwave radiations, in a D2K aka dream to skull stunt. The same day my dad calls me and tells me he's going to arrange my marriage with someone he found. No i will never go according to this secret society satanic calendar. ... 795 days ago15:49 RohullahMojaddedi has uploaded a video #TargetedIndividualStudent watch out for Sociopaths in School #TargetedIndividualStudent shares experience about sociopaths on school campus and class. There are honey pots, honey traps and etc.. whatever you call them on the hunt. Do not give in your soul to those sold outs. They are contracted by handlers and put after the target to set you up with, then harass you, gas light you and hurt you emotinall... 795 days ago15:40 RohullahMojaddedi has uploaded a video My experience with quantum stealth cloak Tech 795 days ago15:36 RohullahMojaddedi has uploaded a video #TargetedIndividualStudent room walls drilled by SS perps #TargetedIndividualStudent So i had gone out for work and as i come back i am amazed with surprises of the lodges and churches devil inc. drilling my wall, staining my roof (to make it look like it rained when it didn't as the forecast unfortunately did not turn out to be a part of their evil agenda) and then spider web with dead mosquitos...