#TargetedIndividualStudent watch out for Sociopaths in School
Published on Jan 23, 2023
#TargetedIndividualStudent shares experience about sociopaths on school campus and class.
There are honey pots, honey traps and etc.. whatever you call them on the hunt. Do not give in your soul to those sold outs. They are contracted by handlers and put after the target to set you up with, then harass you, gas light you and hurt you emotinally making you completely dependant on them narcissists stealing your joy your time and your happiness as well as energy.
That could cause a big trauma in your life. they do it via multiple people then tell you have problem getting along with people. ]
They also create a fake friend group who will end up hurting your emotions. for example if one of them is not good with you then the entire team will turn against you and gossip behind your back blaming you for their staged mistakes and etc... to make you look like you are the problem.
They have so many straps and levels of insecurities that throw them all on the target.
They will try to put you on drugs
they will try to make you a pervert
they will try to make you alcoholic
they will try to make you commit wrong acts then later call them all out to your face.
Be aware and be careful with these sociopaths in your school and workplace and neighborhood who come to you as a friend but end up stabbing you in your heart.