Dr William Luther Pierce 20 Dec 1997 – 21 Feb 1998 Auschwitz centre for slave trade in Poland

Published on Aug 7, 2020
19980221 - Bill, Monica, and Saddam - Spileberg Amastad jewish black slave trade
19980214 - Sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff - German ship sunk by the jews, details of jewish crimes / killing of germans, Alexander Solzhenitsyn eyewitness of jewish ruthless murder of Christians
19980207 - Bill and Monica - jews
19980200 - A Question of Sanity - blacks, Galileo
19980131 - Responding to Evil
19980124 - Jews and the White Slave - since Roman times, Auschwitz centre for slave trade in Poland, Boris Beresovski criminal,
19980117 - Why Society Is Nuts - sheeple, dumbing down, holocaust deniers
19980103 - Thoughts on Free Trade
19971227 - The Criminal in the White House - jews Russian Mafia
19971220 - Toward a Sane Society
transcripts of all shows http://natall.com/adv/ (thanks to the poster)
Link to all my uploads including other good channels, in pdf file (27 July 2020). organized in categories. note that old links will be deleted. https://mega.nz/file/BpYiWAhR#zDdhuAP4MsutYHNrRTDlndzDIMUFCoEJACj8s7CUuIc
search ‘slave’ for books and videos on slave trade.

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