Gay Child Molesters Caught on Tape! Hidden Cam. Explicit Content! THE BORN GAY HOAX!

Published on Aug 21, 2020
Hidden camera: 'Gays' admit they're not 'born that way'
A documentary video by Journalist Ryan Sorba that seeks to influence the Supreme Court justices as they rule on marriage features an undercover investigation that challenges the belief that “gays” are “born that way” and, therefore, should be granted special rights.
Equipped with a hidden camera, journalist Ryan Sorba went to a “gay” bar where he recorded candid answers to his questions. He found many men who identify as “gay” were molested as a youth.
He contends his findings have implications for the high court as it decides whether or not the traditional definition of marriage discriminates against people who identify as “gay.”
Many of the “gays” he interviewed, he says, not only were molested in their youth but went on to become molesters themselves.
In the opening of his documentary, Sorba says, “I interviewed individuals at an average gay bar on an average night and I discovered that I was literally surrounded by child molesters and victims of molestation.”
“Who Killed the American Family?” is the question posed and answered by conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly. It’s available, autographed, at the WND Superstore
Sorba makes it clear he is not saying that everyone who identifies as “gay” is a child molester, but “many people who do identify as gay were molested, and many of the children and teens will go on to teach others kids their own age or younger what they learned from the molester.”
Sorba says he made the video “as an informative piece for the justices.”
Many Americans do not adequately understand the issue of homosexuality, he says.
He begins by asking of “gays”: “Do you believe being gay is strictly genetic?”
He says what he found was shocking.
“I learned that many attribute their own sexual orientation to molestation.”
He says that after finding out how many claim they are “gay” because they were molested, he decided to change his script in an attempt “to figure out who was doing the molesting.”
He learned that old men aren’t the only culprits.
“Woefully, I learned that after being molested by an older man, many children and teens will teach their friends what they learned from the molester,” Sorba says.
He warns that the content of his video is explicit but insists it is “necessary.”
“Parents be on guard,” he says. “If you know and child or teenager who has developed same-sex attraction, let this footage be a warning to you. It is a red flag that the child has been molested, by an adult, a teenager or another child.”
He ends his opening with a plea to the Supreme Court.
“If you do not already know and understand what I am about to show you, then I would urge you to practice judicial restraint and uphold the will of more than 50 million American voters and millenia of human experience,” he says.
“America needs more time to fully understand this issue, its causes and its consequences.

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